Prüfung Exam zertifizierung 412-79v8 Testfragen PDF

Prüfung Exam zertifizierung 412-79v8 Testfragen PDF EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) v8


Which one of the following tools of trade is an automated, comprehensive penetration testing product for assessing the specific information security threats to an organization?

A. Sunbelt Network Security Inspector (SNSI)
B. CORE Impact
C. Canvas
D. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)

Answer: C


Attackers create secret accounts and gain illegal access to resources using backdoor while bypassing the authentication procedures. Creating a backdoor is a where an attacker obtains remote access to a computer on a network.

Which of the following techniques do attackers use to create backdoors to covertly gather critical information about a target machine?

A. Internal network mapping to map the internal network of the target machine
B. Port scanning to determine what ports are open or in use on the target machine
C. Sniffing to monitor all the incoming and outgoing network traffic
D. Social engineering and spear phishing attacks to install malicious programs on the target machine

Answer: D

412-79v8 Prüfungsfragen, 412-79v8 Examensfragen EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) v8 (ICND2 v3.0)


Which of the following reports provides a summary of the complete pen testing process, its outcomes, and recommendations?

A. Vulnerability Report
B. Executive Report
C. Client-side test Report
D. Host Report

Answer: B


Which of the following statements is true about the LM hash?

A. Disabled in Windows Vista and 7 OSs
B. Separated into two 8-character strings
C. Letters are converted to the lowercase
D. Padded with NULL to 16 characters

Answer: A

Prüfungsvorbereitung Studienmaterial 412-79v8 deutsch EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) v8


A man enters a PIN number at an ATM machine, being unaware that the person next to him was watching. Which of the following social engineering techniques refers to this type of information theft?

A. Shoulder surfing
B. Phishing
C. Insider Accomplice
D. Vishing

Answer: A

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